Wedding Tips Part II |Des Moines Wedding Photographer

This is part II in wedding tips that I’ve posted. These following tips are focused on day of tidbits. As a Des Moines photographer, these are tips that I’ve come up with from doing numerous weddings.
Tip 6. Flowers
Flowers, if you DIY them, you want to keep them fresh! Store them in an air tight container or in a vase of water in the fridge. Boom! Fresh flowers! If you go through a florist, they usually bring your bouquet to you in some vase or jar filled with water. Have a towel handy! You will need to dab the stems off because the will be very wet and you do not want water leaking on your wedding dress. A simple dab on a towel or paper towel will do. Boutonnières are those flower things that you pin on your lapel. Unless your florist is pinning them for you, they usually supply a pin or two for you to do it yourself. DO NOT pin them across! I have posted a blog years ago on the correct way to pin. They are so delicate and you don’t want to pin them cutting and damaging the flower and base. Also, be careful hugging on that side. Also goes back to the fact that they are delicate.
Tip 7. Gown
If you buy your gown from a shop, generally they will alter it for you, make sure it fits you. Please please try your gown on before your wedding. (I had to help a bride once into a dress that she never tired on and it didn’t fit! Long story short, we got her in but it took forever and some tricks I had up my sleeve.) Ok, so back to the bridal gown shops, these people are amazing! They know their stuff and will make sure your gown is ready for your day. Does your gown bustle? If so ask the shop how to bustle your gown. Typically it is color coded back there but every gown is different and some are very complex. As a Des Moines photographer, I have lost count of the number of dresses I have helped bustle over the years. So, odds are if you do not know how to bustle your dress, I can probably figure it out for you. *winky face* Moving on, Does your gown button up? You need a hooker! And no not that kind. Shesh! I mean a hook, crochet hook dealaboper. That is the correct name, dealaboper, you heard me. Just kidding it is a crochet hook! Those hook dealabopers are helpful in looping the loop to the button. Trust me on this! Do not wear anything on your wedding day that you didn’t have on when you did your final fitting. This means a bra, or corset. Your dress was fitted and altered with what you wore with your fitting. Keep that in mind.
Tip 8. Tide Sticks
Tide sticks, don’t have one? Get one! I carry one with my photo gear for weddings specifically and I use it for my clients almost every wedding. Those are handy little boogers and I’ve used them on wine, chocolate, blood (bride got a paper cut), and they get it out every time. Tide sticks are amazing and I thought they deserved their own headlining tip.
Tip 9. Shoes
Are you wearing heels? If so, wear them around your house for a few days before the wedding to get used to them and break them in. Also, get a comfy pair to bring with you. (another item to stow in that 31 tote bag thing) Two words, Comfy dance shoes. Ok that was three words, but you get the point.
Tip 10. Eat!
Weddings can be hectic. All your loved ones & family, some from out of town or even out of state, are so excited! They want to talk, see you, stare at you, hug you, kiss you, poke you, etc. Weddings are busy! We have time lines for that reason, to keep us on track, make sure we are running smoothly, but you need to remember to eat. I have shared my mom snack of nuts and granola with my brides before. lol I will probably ask you but you need to remember to speak up and tell people you need food. Remember my last tips post? Personal Attendants are amazing and I’ve seen them run and get Jimmy Johns for their bride or even shove food in those 31 tote bags that carry EVERYTHING. Also, remember to eat during the dinner. Often times I see well meaning family or friends want to talk to the bride and groom. Who I may mention are exhausted! All they want is their yummy food and cake they paid for and they hardly get a bite in because guests want to chat. It is ok to politely say you will chat later after dinner. It is ok to make us the bad guy if you need us to be, Us being wedding vendors. We are in your corner. We are always in your corner. So, eat! Don’t forget to eat, and if you need food then we will find some or send someone to get it for you. *big hugs* *some caters will box up a “to go” plate of food for you for after the reception. Just ask!
Tip 11. Relax and Take it in
Breathe! I am pretty laid back. During my wedding planning I was go with the flow, but however laid back I am, I still stressed out the day of. My advice is to breathe, and trust in your planning and your friends, family, and wedding vendors to take care of you. Take everything in, enjoy the moments and memories. This day will go by so fast! It will be one of your favorite days of your life!